
Emeralds are a very popular gemstone, fascinating cultures all over the world throughout history. The name ‘Emerald’ according to Indian mythology was first translated from Sanskrit as “marakata,”meaning “the green of growing things.” Although regular emeralds are common, the value of a fine emerald with little impurities is very high and may be two to three times as valuable as a diamond!


Emeralds have a rich history with the earliest reference to emeralds in Western literature coming from the famous Aristotle who loved emeralds and made it a symbol of importance of a person during a speech or business discussions. Similarly, the Roman magician Damigeron stated that the emerald “influences every kind of business, and if you remain chaste while you wear it, it adds substance to both the body and the speech.”


This precious stone has numerous meanings according to the many cultures that treasure it. However, it is most commonly believed that Emerald is a stone of manifestation which will help a person focus on their true desires in life. It also commonly symbolises youth and overall health.


The first known emerald mines were in Southern  Egypt and were worked in since 2000 BC. It is known that some of the finest emeralds now come from the Columbian Chivor and Muzo mines. Much smaller quantities of medium-light colour emeralds are retrieved from Brazil. Emeralds are also derived from other countries over the world including; Austria, India, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, the USA, Norway, and Pakistan.


Emeralds are found in granites, pegmatites, and schists and alluvial deposits. It is also common for emeralds to go into gravels where water smoothes the stones into shiny pebbles.


Similar to most gemstones, the emeralds physical and spiritual healing powers have been experienced by many over the years. The most prominent physical healing properties that emerald holds is in relation to the skeletal system, cardiovascular system, skin, kidneys, adrenal glands, liver and intestinal system. The major factor it has in these physical benefits is its cleansing properties, which may be why it is given the meaning of health and youthfulness. Spiritually, emerald has been known to protect lovers from unfaithfulness. This legend has been derived from the Greek Goddess Venus in Greek mythology. The emerald is also believed to improve ones memory and clarity of thought in regards to the past, present and future.


Emerald is the birthstone of May and is chosen to be this way due to it being a symbol of Spring. Throughout history, the green colour that emerald holds, has been a symbol of new life. The emerald stone is suitable for anyone who needs hope in regards to their health, especially in regards to the specific physical areas emerald assists with. It is also a great symbol for new life & hope of the future days ahead.


Click here to view our Emerald collection or contact us for your special orders or requests.